When it comes to search engine it is interesting to note that SEO is a $16 billion dollar industry. One reason is because is because of how many users click on natural search results, rather than paid advertising. In fact, estimates show that over three quarters of the people who go online searching for something click on the natural search results that come up. As many as 80% of the users say they hardly ever click on sponsored ads that come up when they are searching for things. Another 75% say they deliberately avoid clicking on paid advertising links.
This is all good news for the search engine optimization industry and one reason why so many entrepreneurs are signing up for an seo reseller plan. If you are an seo reseller you can make a ton of money by reselling seo. The best search engine optimization reseller plan to sign up for is a private label SEO reseller plan. Right now is a good time to get involved in the search engine optimization industry too. An well known online research group, the Forrester Research group, states that there will be an expected online retail sales growth of about 2% by the year 2016. Right now online sales are at 7%. If you want to take advantage of making more money than you ever though possible, get involved in the search engine optimization industry.
The search engine optimization industry is huge. Search engine optimization has also gotten involved in the social media marketing industry and has made opportunities for people to also resell social media services for online marketers. Online marketers are really driven to see their sales increase on to social sites so they use social media services. As many as 94% of the social media marketers have some way of tracking their numbers in fans and followers a they hope to always see an increase. A big part of their success is the use of search engine optimization. Search engine optimization firms are booming with work now because of the success of online marketing and interest in online marketing, using search engine optimization services, continues to grow. Website owners who are marketing things online usually outsource their Seo needs to search engine optimization firms in order to increase their online traffic numbers the the opportunity to make more online sales.
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