Do you believe your business could use a boost from online marketing, but don’t want to spend a lot of money? Do you think you could do the work yourself with just a bit of time and training? Well your right, you can get trained by an SEO reseller and handle your business yourself.
Worldwide, there are over 100 billion searches being conducted every month, and 61% of those global internet users do their product research online. In fact, 93% of all online experiences start with the use of a search engine. According to a study by Outbrain, search engines are the number one traffic driver to content sites, beating out social media by more than three times the amount of users. The best way your business can cash in on this ever growing trend is with SEO reselling programs.
Why learn SEO Reseller Strategies?
The hardest challenge B2B marketers face when it comes to generating leads is not just finding them in the first place, but finding high quality leads. SEO leads have a much greater return for your money than more traditional outbound leads (like direct mail or print advertising), with a 14.6% close rate vs. a 1.7% close rate. And outbound leads cost 61% more than inbound leads. An outbound lead might be from cold calling or mailings, while an inbound lead is more likely to be from search engine optimization.
Some Basic Facts:
- Google’s organic search results receive a third of all search traffic, according to online ad network Chitika, compared to less than a fifth for the second position search engine, and the search traffic only lessens from there.
- Having presence on the first page of search results is imperative, as 75% of users never scroll past it.
- Most users focus on the organic results (70 to 80%), ignoring the paid ads, and 70% of the links that searchers actually click on are organic.
When you get trained by an SEO reseller, you’ll learn these and other less basic information, so, you’ll no longer have to pay to outsource work you could be doing yourself. You’ll be on the path to great SEO reseller profits, and you’ll be walking that path by yourself, with no one’s hands in your pockets. Read more about this topic at this link.
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