Plenty of marketing firms today have already begun learning the SEO trade and teaching their clients how content marketing can really work in their favor, but there’s a new trend on the horizon: outsourcing SEO and becoming an SEO reseller.
The concept is pretty simple: Your firm works with an experienced SEO company in order to provide great search engine optimization services to your client. A great SEO company will have a full team of SEO experts who can handle everything from website development to content creation.
You have two primary options to consider before choosing which company you’d like to work with: you can go with an SEO company that uses its own label (in which case you’ll have to tell your clients that you’re outsourcing the SEO to another company) or you can opt for a private label SEO service (which allows you to customize the service and present it as your own).
The biggest benefit for you, as a reseller, is probably cost efficiency. You won’t have to deal with hiring a whole team of SEO analysts and writers, and with a good SEO firm, you won’t even have to deal with editing the content or double-checking the links — it’s all done in-house!
Convenience is another major advantage when you use private label SEO reseller software. You won’t have to worry about creating an SEO program to monitor clients’ results, and if there’s a technical problem with your SEO reseller software, your SEO firm will be able to take care of it.
You get to focus on the most important thing at hand: keeping your clients happy!