Marketing nowadays seems to get more and more tricky. Consumers have been expressing their distaste for animated advertisements clogging up their browsing experience, so they mute them or install an ad-blocker. People searching for products are often on tight schedules and don’t have a lot of time to spend browsing, so they only view the first page of their search results. What’s a modern business to do in these trying times? Well, updating your marketing approach could work! SEO is a recent strategy that utilizes search engines in order to create an effective marketing experience on both ends. Look below as I explain what SEO is, its financial benefits and and how to make money reselling SEO!
What Is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a revolutionary new way of reaching customers with organic approaches rather than glitzy and memory-hungry ad campaigns. It involves creating informative articles that redirect customers to various sites that could better serve their needs, which is perfect for businesses who want a savvy and eager client base.
Modern Marketing Trends
The Internet has changed the way we look at marketing forever. While print and mail are still in use, they lag behind internet marketing by a significant amount. SEO leads have a close rate of nearly 15%, while more conventional printing methods average as low as 1.7%. Search engines have even pushed out social media as the go-to option for browsing information!
What Do People Look For?
In the age of the internet, consumers are always looking for faster and more effective ways of buying what they need. It’s estimated a whopping 75% of users won’t even scroll past the first page of their search results! Surveys have also shown that paid ads are rapidly falling out of favor, with many citing transparency as the most effective ways of gaining their dollar. With over 90% of browsing beginning with a search engine, what should you do to learn how to make money reselling SEO?
How To Make Money Reselling SEO
Whether you’re looking to hire SEO services for your business or are thinking of creating your own best SEO reselling approaches, this new marketing strategy has something for everybody! Learning how to sell SEO involves approaching companies who already have a finger in this pie and learning about their unique strategies. Once you’ve become familiar with the process of compiling information and factoring in market trends, businesses will then contact you for help bolstering their own bottom line. Look into SEO reselling today and reap the benefits tomorrow!
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